Feel free to contact us for any enquiry you may have. We will answer your query in a timely manner. Alternatively, you can contact us by phone or you can drop by for a quick chat.
0410 291 674
54 Spring St, Bondi Junction, NSW 2022
Living in Sydney? If you are interested in French language and French culture, this is the right spot for you!
The French intermediate course is divided into four main stages that include a total of 60 hours.
We allow a maximum of 8 students per class and a minimum of 4 students.
What are the requirements for this course? This course is designed for people
who are at ease with the following: expression emotions, asking questions, talking about accomodation, health and environment, French etiquette, placing an action in the past, the future and the conditional.
What will I learn? Check our syllabus to see in detail what is covered in each stage.
What do I need to bring? The book used for this level is Entre Nous 3 - Méthode de français B1 (Livre de l'élève + cahier d'activités + CD) and has to be purchased prior to the first class.
The textbook can be purchased from the library Abbey's Bookshop, 131 York Street in the City or online on specialised websites.
Pens and pads are not provided. Smile is mandatory!
Please note that all our classes are subject to change according to demand.
Want to enrol into this class? Contact us!
Interested in more French courses in Sydney? Please have a look at the following:
Beginners (A1) |